• Started in 2021
  • Sites 1
  • Enrolled 28

Creating a National Biorepository

Sites currently enrolled in USDAR provide the foundation for creating the largest drug allergy biorepository in the United States. 

Allergy specialists typically rule out or confirm drug allergies by using tests such as skin tests, patch tests, and drug challenge tests. However, knowledge of the underlying biological mechanisms of drug allergy and risk factors for drug allergy is limited. The USDAR Biorepository will invite patients with confirmed or reported drug allergies to enroll. Their samples will provide insight into the biological mechanisms and associations with true drug allergy. These samples, combined with medical and drug allergy history, will provide a wholistic understanding of their drug allergy and advance drug allergy knowledge and possible biological mechanisms. 

Study Goals:

Test and confirm drug allergy reactions

We will identify individuals who are truly allergic to medications

To assess immunophenotypes that correlate with drug allergy reactions

We will compare profiles of antibodies, immune cell activation patterns, and past allergy and medical history in patients with allergic reactions matched with controls without allergic reactions. 

Our Process:


Patient Identification

Participants in USDAR who test positive on their drug allergy test are eligible for USDAR Bio


We collect saliva, blood samples, and questionnaires from participants who consent and enroll in USDAR Bio


Blood samples are analyzed and grouped by immune system markers